Probiotics and Prebiotics: What You Need to Know
When you think of bacteria, you may immediately think of the “bad” bacteria, a.k.a germs. Did you know your gut microbiome is teamed with trillions of “good” bacteria that play a critical role in overall well-being?
Because many digestive symptoms such as boating, gas, diarrhea, constipation, and food intolerances are closely related to the health of our gut microbiome, having a healthy gut is vital to living optimally! Prioritizing probiotic and prebiotic-rich foods are ways to help your gut microbiome flourish.
Definitions of Probiotics and Prebiotics
Probiotics are live microorganisms (microbes) that are most commonly found in your digestive tract (gut). Not all microbes are the same–the “good” bacteria, or probiotics, provide the body with an abundance of benefits and help control the harmful “bad” bacteria.
Simply put, prebiotics are what feed the good microbes. They are what provide support for the probiotics to do their jobs. Prebiotics aid the process of regular bowel movements, help the brain and gut communication, stimulate hormones that help make you feel full, improve your immune system, and reduce inflammation.
Importance of the Gut Microbiome
Our guts–inside our intestines–are so crucial for bodily communication that some researchers consider our gut microbiome the second brain! The same chemicals and cells the brain uses, our guts also use to help digest and alert the brain when something is wrong. The gut and the brain communicate constantly!
Breakdown of the Gut Microbiome
Think of your gut microbiome as an ecosystem of microscopic organisms. Your microbiome is unique to you; your diet and environmental exposures have a direct effect on the diversity and health of your gut and bodily systems. Our bodies and the “good” microorganisms in our gut have a symbiotic relationship, meaning they both benefit each other. In fact, some experts describe the gut microbiome as acting like an organ in itself!
Your microbiome is like a garden. You want diversity in what you are planting to be able to confidently rely on it for nutrition and even medicine. When your garden is healthy, you thrive. If the soil is depleted, or overrun by weeds, it can upset the whole ecosystem. Incorporating probiotics and prebiotics helps build a strong and flourishing microbiome.
Different Strains for Probiotics and Common Prebiotics
Knowing the names of a few common beneficial strains of probiotics as well as the common types of prebiotics are great first steps in understanding their roles in the body.
Breakdown of Probiotic Strains: Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium
Lactobacillus acidophilus: supports overall digestion and vaginal health
Lactobacillus gasseri: supports overall digestion and immune health
Lactobacillus rhamnosus: supports inflammatory health, dental and vaginal health, immune system
Lactobacillus plantarum: supports overall digestive and immune health
Lactobacillus paracasei: supports liver health
Bifidobacterium bifidum: supports digestive health and immune health
Bifidobacterium lactis: supports gut regularity, digestive comfort, and immune health
Bifidobacterium breve: supports healthy immune system
Bifidobacterium infantis: supports overall digestion, immune health, and bloating
Breakdown of Common Prebiotics: Resistant Starch, Inulin, Pectin
Resistant starches resist digestion and become food sources for probiotics. They produce butyrate which helps immune function, reduces inflammation, and aids in electrolyte and water absorption.
Inulin is contained in many plants that help you feel full for longer. As a result, these prebiotics aid in overall digestion and regular bowel movements. Inulin also helps reduce LDL cholesterol and balance blood sugar levels.
Pectin is found in many fruits and is a gel-like starch. Pectin has antitumor and antioxidant properties and has been known to enhance the skin cells in your intestinal lining to prevent a leaky gut.
Yogurt (no sugar added)
Fermented foods are great sources of probiotics:
Prebiotic-Rich Foods: Resistant Starch, Pectin, and Inulin
Resistant Starch
Boiled and chilled potatoes
Green bananas
Green beans
Chicory root
Jerusalem artichokes
I rely on the diversity of plants and fermented foods to increase a healthy microbiome. On a case-by-case basis for my clients with severe gut-related symptoms, concerns, and dysbiosis, I would recommend a multi-spectrum (multiple different strains of probiotics) with a high potency. I recommend the Designs for Health ProbioMed. Click here for a discount using Fullscript.
The overall workings of the gut microbiome and how it is closely linked with digestive issues, immune health, inflammation, food intolerances, and overall well-being can be complicated.
Work 1-on-1 with me in my Master Your Microbiome program to reveal imbalances in “good” and “bad” bacteria, digestive enzyme output, yeast and parasites, inflammation, gluten sensitivity, and more. Once we have your GI MAP test results, I will create a customized and individualized protocol that uses natural gut-rebalancing methods.
Let’s work together to heal and strengthen your gut microbiome!
Tap below to schedule a discovery call with me and let’s dive in together!